

Location Rating


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Environmental Protections - State Rating

California has been a leader in environmental awareness since the 19th century, when those who arrived appreciated its unparalleled beauty and took action to protect it.  California's topography makes clean air a particular challenge, but the toughest emissions controls on the planet have cut smog remarkably since the 70s.  California's Prop 65 Hazardous Substance Warnings, approved by voters decades ago, grace the walls of most commercial establishments and remind citizens of the dangers of toxic substances used in many common commercial and home products.  California can still improve its environmental record, but it sets a Gold Standard for environmental protection nonetheless.

Note - this a State specific rating.  You can see how SweetScores are determined here.


Women's Equality - State Rating

California's support for women's rights, like its support for environmental protections, was well established in the 19th century.  Its legal protections for women's rights and for family leave and other family protections that support women and families are among the best.



LGBTQ Equality - State Rating

Do we need to say anything here?  Leaving aside California's unfortunate misstep in voting down same sex marriage in 2008, it has been and remains on the forefront of not just acceptance but embrace of same sex couples and all all forms of gender identity, and its progressive support of surrogacy has enabled the happy, healthy birth of tens of thousands of children to all forms of families.



Just and Civil Society - Country Rating


Environmental Protections - Country Rating


Women's Equality - Country Rating


LGBTQ Equality - Country Rating