Kicking Horse Smartass Medium Roast Fair Trade Certified Organic Whole Bean Coffee – 10oz
Manufactured in | : | Canada |
Organic, Fair Trade and Roasted in Canada’s Rockies.
From Kicking Horse:
A half-full cup of wake up and wise up. No joke here, this is just a bright, chocolaty concoction for the smart-thinking, deep-drinking, good-at-their-game-in-the-morning crowd. Directions How to Make a Kick Ass Cup: Grind just before use. Not too fine, not too coarse. Fine: Espresso. Drip. Coarse: French Press. Use fresh, cold, filtered water. Two tablespoons of coffee to yield a 6 oz cup. More if you’re bold, less if you’re not. Store in bag or airtight container. Do not store in fridge or freezer.
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