Seventh Generation Paper Napkins- 100% Recycled Paper


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Manufactured in : United States

Made in USA by Vermont based Seventh Generation.  Seventh Generation was established specifically to develop household pantry and cleaning products that are better for the environment.  It was purchased, in 2016, by Anglo-Dutch conglomerate Unilever, but has maintained its mission.

These are great everyday napkins.

According to Seventh Generation, they are:

  • Made of 100% recycled paper
  • Whitened with an environmentally safe process
  • Not made with chlorine bleach
  • Hypoallergenic

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Points in favor of this product:

  • Made in USA
  • Respected product
  • Specifically designed to be environmentally friendly (or, at least more so than the top selling disposable napkins)
  • Good alternative to Vanity Fair paper napkins sold by Koch Industries owned Georgia Pacific
  • Maker's headquarters location (Vermont) did not vote to elect Donald Trump in 2016 and generally gets high SweetScores



Seventh Generation Products






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