Starbucks Organic French Roast Dark Roast Coffee


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Manufactured in : United States

Starbucks is named Best Coffee for LGBTQ+ Equality in the SweetScore Recommends Review by Chris Ponzi.

A pure, strong coffee for those who like a coffee with major mojo – and organic too!

From Starbucks:

Muted with oil, the tumbling beans become eerily silent. A master roaster watches, knowing that if he pushes them a second too long, they’ll burst into flame. White smoke hangs down as the glistening beans turn ebony. This is Organic French Roast and you can’t roast it darker. Straightforward, light-bodied with low acidity, and immensely popular since 1971, our darkest roast is adored for its intense smokiness.

Committed to 100% Ethical Sourcing in partnership with Conservation International.

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