Trust Women: A Progressive Christian Argument for Reproductive Justice by Rebecca Todd Peters
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In this thoughtful work, Rebecca Todd Peters, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church, explains why abortion is not the Christian religious issue it is so often claimed to be.
Jesus said nothing about it and his teaches are about understanding, compassion and empathy and the power and need of the individual to make moral, spiritually motivated decisions on moral issues. Jesus did not advocate black and white rules and he clearly adored hate, fear mongering and shaming. (“Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 7:53–8:11.)
As articulated by Rebecca Todd Peters, abortion does present a moral issue: “What should I do when faced with an unplanned, unwanted, or medically compromised pregnancy?”
But it is not a moral issue to be resolved by black and white rules. Abortion is, in fact, a morally valid option under the teachings of Christ to a concrete question women face on a regular basis.
For thoughts on why some “Christian” sects have put abortion on their hit parade playlists, see the teachings of Carl Gustav Jung articulated on the our product page for a fine Jung biography here.
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- Publisher: Beacon Press (April 10, 2018)
- ISBN-10: 0807069981
- ISBN-13: 978-0807069981
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